If you’re a fan of Monster High’s TV special Boo York, Boo York, you’ll love learning how to draw Elle Eedee, the daughter of The Robots and an aspiring DJ. In this article, we’ll delve into Elle’s story, relationships, and appearance, while also providing guidelines for your drawing. Let’s get started!
Elle Eedee’s Story and Relationships
Elle Eedee is a fun-loving ghoul with a passion for music and mechanics. As a robot under construction, she upgrades herself with new parts and relies on her parents for help. Although she loves composing music and having fun, dancing is a challenge for her due to a system anomaly. Elle enjoys spending time alone, working on her own projects, and even building herself a pet.
She forms friendships with Mouscedes King and Luna Mothews during the Comet Gala in Boo York. Elle’s family, The Robots, have a strong bond with her, and she affectionately calls her mother “motherboard.” She comes from a long lineage of Robots, and her relationships with her friends and family are an important part of her story.
Elle Eedee’s Appearance
Elle is known for her silver robotic skin and violet eyes that resemble focus lenses. She has lilac eyebrows, long blue-violet hair tied in a ponytail, and distinctive markings on her face. These markings include an on and off button on her forehead and robotic facial features. Her ears are round speakers, which further emphasize her love for music.
How to Draw Elle Eedee: Color Guidelines and Drawing Process
When learning how to draw Elle Eedee, first, you’ll create a basic sketch to outline her proportions. We use grey for this sketch in the images below. After completing the basic sketch, you can start adding details to Elle Eedee’s appearance, like her robotic features and distinctive markings. Once your sketch is finished, you can begin inking the drawing.
As you progress through each step, remember that the red color in the image highlight the current drawing step. This will help you keep track of your progress and ensure that you accurately capture Elle Eedee’s unique appearance. Finally, after inking, you can start coloring your Elle Eedee drawing, bringing her vibrant personality to life on the page.

Now that you know how to draw Elle Eedee and have learned more about her story, relationships, and appearance, you can bring this fun-loving robot DJ to life in your own artwork. And don’t stop there. If you feel tired of sketching monsters, we have lots of tutorials on Ever After High as well.