Wolfwalkers is an animated feature film set in a world of werewolves. The story follows a young girl who is trained by her father, an old wolfwalker, to take down a pack of evil werewolves that killed her mother.
The SketchOk website has an archive of drawing tutorials for all of the main characters from the movie. The tutorials are step-by-step guides that make it easy for anyone to learn how to draw like a pro.
Some of the most popular Wolfwalkers characters that have been featured on our website include:
- Robyn – the young protagonist of the film
- her father, Bill – a skilled wolfwalker and mentor to Robyn
- Mebh – a powerful and deadly alpha werewolf
Each of these characters has their own unique personality and design that makes them interesting to learn how to draw. And with our easy-to-follow tutorials, you’ll be able to create amazing artwork in no time!