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How to draw May from Pokemon anime

If you’ve been captivated by the thrilling adventures of May in the Pokemon anime and are eager to bring her to life on your sketchpad, you’ve arrived at the right place. We’ve put together a comprehensive, step-by-step guide that will walk you through the process of drawing May, the spirited Pokemon Coordinator.

Key Aspects of May’s Appearance

May is a lively character known for her youthful exuberance and athletic attire. Here are some key characteristics and focus points to keep in mind while sketching her:

  • May’s outfit is quite sporty, composed of a sleeveless orange tunic, black cycle shorts, and a mint green fanny pack.
  • She adorns white gloves with black fingertips, white pockets and stripes on her tunic, and a green and white kerchief.
  • Her shoes are a unique combination of orange, white, and black.
  • May’s long, chestnut hair is usually tied up in a bandana, falling in two loose ponytails.

While drawing May, you might also want to consider adding some of her fellow Pokemon companions to the sketch. Pikachu, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle are all iconic characters that share a close relationship with her and would fit perfectly into the scene.

Understanding Our Sketching Guide

Our guide comprises 17 steps, carefully designed to ensure you can sketch May with precision and confidence. The first 2 steps involve creating a basic structure for proportion purposes, using light pencil strokes. It’s essential to understand the color-coding system within the guide:

  • Red Color: This represents the current step of the drawing process you should be focusing on.
  • Black Color: This color showcases the lines you’ve previously drawn.
  • Grey Color: The grey areas depict the basic sketch outline and help keep proportions correct.

In the penultimate step, you can choose to ink your sketch. It’s recommended to wait for the ink to dry before gently erasing the pencil sketch to avoid smudging. The final step can be used as a reference for coloring, bringing May’s vibrant and energetic character to life.

Step 01

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 01

Step 02

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 02

Step 03

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 03

Step 04

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 04

Step 05

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 05

Step 06

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 06

Step 07

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 07

Step 08

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 08

Step 09

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 09

Step 10

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 10

Step 11

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 11

Step 12

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 12

Step 13

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 13

Step 14

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 14

Step 15

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 15

Step 16

How to draw May from Pokemon anime - step 16

Step 17

How to draw May from Pokemon anime

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of pencil should I use for sketching?
For the basic sketch, it’s recommended to use a light graphite or mechanical pencil, as these lines will be erased after inking.
Can I use colored pencils for the final coloring?
Absolutely, colored pencils are great for adding detail and can be used effectively for the final coloring step. Alternatively, you may use markers or watercolor, depending on your preference and style.
How do I keep the proportions of the character correct?
Our guide includes a basic structure (depicted in grey) in the first 2 steps. This structure will act as your reference to maintain correct proportions and placements.

Time to Wrap Up

As an artist, the joy of seeing your favorite character materialize on paper is a feeling beyond words. We hope this guide assists you in your quest to draw May from Pokemon. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be disheartened if your first few attempts don’t turn out as expected. Keep sketching, and you’ll see improvement!

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