The poised and tactical Leonardo, or “Leo” as many fans affectionately know him, emerges as the leader and the eldest of the Ninja Turtles from the 2012-2017 television series. Nestled in the underground sewers of Manhattan, New York City, he stands as a beacon of leadership for his brothers: Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Under the wise tutelage of their adoptive father and sensei, Master Splinter, Leonardo carries the weight of responsibility, striving always to be the best version of himself.
Key Elements of Leonardo’s Appearance
- Physical Stature: Residing between the heights of Raph and Donnie, Leo’s physique is indicative of his role – strong yet balanced.
- Facial Features: His eyes, possessing cobalt blue irises, often shift to pure white during combat sequences, resonating with his 2003 counterpart.
- Attire: Adorning a royal blue bandana, with tails that are a median length between Donnie’s and Mikey’s, Leo’s attire is emblematic of his leadership role. His gear further comprises diagonal straps, brown knee and elbow pads, and beige bandages wrapped around various parts of his body.
- Hand Structure: A subtle but important detail is Leo’s hands, which are designed with two fingers and a thumb. Additionally, he has three toes, consistent with his brothers.
Sketching Simplified: Understanding the Guide
Structured meticulously, this guide breaks down the drawing process into 12 essential steps. The foundational step revolves around crafting a rudimentary sketch, using light pencil strokes to ensure accurate proportions.
- Red Color: This represents the current step, guiding your focus.
- Grey Color: This delineates the foundational sketch, providing the backbone for your drawing.
- Black Color: A reflection of previously etched lines, offering clarity and continuity.
For artists who wish to intensify the visual appeal, the final stage elucidates inking techniques. Ensure you allow the ink to dry thoroughly, as this prevents any inadvertent smudging. After it dries, gently erase the initial pencil marks, revealing a refined and polished sketch.
Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
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