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How to draw Maurice | Madagascar

If you’ve ever been captivated by the fascinating world of Madagascar, you would undoubtedly recognize Maurice – King Julien’s wise and trusted advisor. As fans, many wish to capture his essence on paper. This guide is here to assist you in learning how to draw Maurice in easy, manageable steps.

Character Insights: Who is Maurice?

  • Name: Maurice (Originally known as Bricky)
  • Role: A pivotal character in the Madagascar series, playing the role of King Julien’s right-hand lemur.
  • Personality: Known for his wisdom, Maurice is often the voice of reason amidst King Julien’s whimsical ideas. His loyalty and dedication to Julien, as showcased in episodes like ‘True Bromance’ and ‘I, Maurice’, make him an endearing character.
  • Appearance: Maurice is an aye-aye lemur with distinct features. When sketching, it’s crucial to focus on his unique facial structure, large ears, and expressive eyes.

Considering drawing an ensemble? Why not add King Julien and Mort to your masterpiece, capturing the vibrant world of Madagascar in its entirety!

Decoding the Drawing Guide

This guide will walk you through 14 methodical steps to help you sketch Maurice. Let’s decode the guide:

  • Red Color: Represents the present drawing phase.
  • Black Color: Highlights previously drawn lines to guide you.
  • Grey Color: Depicts the fundamental sketch, your foundation for proportions and structure.

The first phase focuses on creating a basic structure with gentle pencil strokes. As you near the end, you have the option of inking your sketch. Ensure you wait for the ink to dry completely before gently erasing the pencil sketch. This approach guarantees clarity and avoids any unintended smudging.

Step 01

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 01

Step 02

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 02

Step 03

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 03

Step 04

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 04

Step 05

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 05

Step 06

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 06

Step 07

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 07

Step 08

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 08

Step 09

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 09

Step 10

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 10

Step 11

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 11

Step 12

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 12

Step 13

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar - step 13

Step 14

How to draw Maurice | Madagascar

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