Mr. Peanutbutter, a vibrant yellow Labrador Retriever, has captured the hearts of many as a central character in the hit show “BoJack Horseman“. His charm, paired with his deep relationship intricacies, from his marriage with Diane Nguyen to his stint as “Birthday Dad”, makes him a fascinating subject for artists to draw. If you’re eager to learn how to draw Mr. Peanutbutter and bring his lively personality onto paper, you’re in the right place!
Distinctive Features of Mr. Peanutbutter
- Physique: As an adult male Labrador, Mr. Peanutbutter boasts a sturdy and athletic build. Remember to emphasize this aspect when sketching.
- Facial Features: His optimistic and cheerful disposition often reflects in his expressive eyes and wide smile.
- Clothing: Known for his classic V-neck shirts and jeans, capturing his outfit is crucial for an accurate depiction.
- Associates: Drawing a scene? Consider adding Diane, or even his sitcom rival, BoJack, to give context and depth to your artwork.
Decoding the Drawing Guide
Before diving into the tutorial, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the guide’s unique color coding system. Here’s what each color means:
- Red Color: Represents the current step of the drawing.
- Black Color: Indicates lines drawn in previous steps.
- Grey Color: Showcases the basic sketch, which helps in maintaining proportions.
With 11 comprehensive steps, you’ll start with a basic structure sketch using light pencil strokes. The journey concludes with an optional inking process. If you choose to ink your sketch, ensure you let the ink dry before erasing the pencil marks to prevent smudging.

There you have it, a detailed roadmap on how to draw Mr. Peanutbutter. As you brandish your pencils and embark on this artistic endeavor, remember the joy lies in the journey, not just the destination.
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