Everyone who has ever played a video game has seen the Game Over screen. It’s that dreaded message that pops up when you run out of lives or get defeated by the enemy. But what if you could use that screen as inspiration for your artwork? In this blog post, we’ll show you how to draw Bf and Gf from the week 7 Game Over screen. Stay tuned!
Step-by-step drawing guide of Boyfriend and Girlfriend week 7
- From: Friday Night Funkin’;
- Steps: 37
All the original artworks/photos that were used as references to create the drawing tutorials belong to their respective owners. If you have found your work here without credit, please leave a comment below and it will be fixed immediately. Thank you for your amazing art.
Thanks for doing week 7 game of bf and gf.
You’re most welcome!
Hey, Ilnur if you’re doing game over bfs, try the soft mod game over and you should be over with the soft mod. Also I know how to use links. So here https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fridaynightfunking/images/1/1d/Soft.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20220221043426
Hey QV, I’ll post the drawing next
Can you add funkin mix boyfriend and pick