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How to Draw a French Bulldog: 5 Easy Guides in One Place

If you’ve been looking for a guide to help you easily and quickly draw a French Bulldog, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a dog lover or your pet is a French Bulldog and you’ve tried drawing one but struggled, this tutorial is here to help. Containing five guides in one, it will teach you how to draw a simple French Bulldog, a cartoonish and cute version, as well as more realistic renditions of this charming breed.

As I mentioned earlier, this tutorial contains five different guides. First, we’ll draw a simple, cute cartoon-style French Bulldog. Then, we’ll move on to drawing the Bulldog’s head from a front view and a three-quarter view. We’ll also cover how to draw a full-body Bulldog in standing poses, both from the front and the side. Below, I’ll provide a list of these guides to help you easily navigate to the section you need.

How the Guides in This Tutorial Are Structured

Most of the guides in this tutorial, except for the first one, which is fairly simple, will begin by creating a basic sketch. For this sketch, it’s recommended to use light pencil strokes without applying too much pressure. This way, you can easily erase the auxiliary lines later as you refine the drawing.

How Colors Are Used in This Guide

  • Red Color: This color highlights the lines you need to focus on drawing in the current step.
  • Black Color: This color represents the lines you’ve already drawn in the previous steps of the guide.
  • Grey Color: This color is used for the base sketch created in the early steps. These light gray lines are there to help you establish the proportions and shapes but will be erased later to complete the final drawing.

You might also be interested in other comprehensive animal drawing tutorials. For example, I recently published a guide featuring more than ten tutorials on how to draw dogs. There’s also an extensive guide on cats, lions, and wolves. Tutorials on other dog breeds will be published soon, so stay tuned!

Guide 1: How to Draw a Cute Cartoon French Bulldog

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How to Draw a Cute Cartoon French Bulldog

This guide will teach you how to draw a cute cartoon French Bulldog in 12 steps. Unlike the other guides in this tutorial, we won’t start with a base sketch for this drawing. However, subsequent guides will include a base sketch for better proportions and structure. Follow the steps below to create your adorable cartoon French Bulldog!

Step 1: Draw the outline of the French Bulldog’s head. It’s not a perfect circle but has a slightly different shape. Pay close attention to the reference image for this step to accurately capture the contours of the head.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 1: Sketching the outline of the French Bulldog’s head

Step 2: Draw two ovals on the sides of the head for the eyes. Fill them with black, leaving small circles at the top for highlights. In the center of the head, draw a horizontal oval for the nose, leaving the top part unfilled for a highlight.

Drawing the eyes and nose of the cartoon French Bulldog

Step 3: Above the nose and between the eyes, draw a curved line to outline the upper part of the snout. Below the nose, starting from the lower center, draw two curved lines downward and outward to form the cheeks or lower part of the snout.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 3: Adding the upper and lower snout outlines

Step 4: Add small details to the French Bulldog’s face. Draw two short lines at the ends of the curved cheek lines. Below them, add a small curved line to indicate the chin. Above the upper snout curve, draw another arc to show the fold between the eyes. Add a series of small lines under the eyes to represent blush, and two small ovals above the eyes, midway between the top of the head and the eyes, to show the eyebrows.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 4: Adding facial details like the chin, fold, blush lines, and eyebrows

Step 5: Draw the outlines of the French Bulldog’s ears.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 5: Adding the ear outlines

Step 6: Inside the ear outlines, add two curved lines to define the inner and upper part of the ears.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 6: Adding inner ear details

Step 7: Draw the left side of the body and, at the bottom, add a short front paw and leg with a single continuous line, representing the leg further from our perspective.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 7: Sketching the left side of the body and the distant front paw

Step 8: Draw the second front paw/leg, which is closer to us. Refer to the attached image for guidance.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 8: Adding the closer front paw

Step 9: Draw the neck of the French Bulldog, located directly below the head. Add a short, inward-curving line on the right side of the drawing, starting from the head outline downward. Then, sketch the lower part of the Bulldog’s body.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 9: Adding the neck and lower body outline

Step 10: Draw the back and the rear part of the body with a single continuous line that transitions into the hind leg, completing most of the leg in this step.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 10: Sketching the back, rear body, and most of the hind leg

Step 11: Complete the hind leg and add the second hind leg, mostly hidden behind the front paw. Draw short curved lines on the paws to define the pads, and add a small tail.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 11: Completing the hind legs, adding paw pads, and a small tail

Step 12: At this stage, we have completed the guide on how to draw a cute cartoon French Bulldog. Take a moment to review your drawing—check if you’ve missed any details or if there are extra lines that need to be carefully erased. Overall, this completes our first drawing.

How to draw a cartoon French Bulldog – Step 12: Finalizing the drawing and erasing extra lines

Guide 2: How to Draw a French Bulldog’s Head (Front View)

How to Draw a French Bulldog’s Head in Front View In this guide, we will draw the head of a French Bulldog from the front view. It consists of 14 step-by-step illustrations. The first two steps focus on creating a basic sketch, so be sure to use light pencil strokes to make it easier to erase these guidelines later.

Step 1: Start by drawing a circle, which will serve as the base for the Bulldog’s head. Draw a vertical line through the center of the circle to divide the head into two halves. Then, add a horizontal curved line across the circle to position the key facial features.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head – Step 1: Drawing a circle with vertical and horizontal guidelines

Step 2: On the horizontal line, draw two circles to indicate the placement of the eyes. From the inner edges of these circles, sketch diagonal lines toward the vertical line to help locate the nose. Use simple lines to outline the nose, ears, and the general shape of the dog’s snout.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head – Step 2: Adding eye circles, diagonal lines for the nose, and outlines for the nose, ears, and snout

Step 3: From the middle of the nose, draw two curved lines downward and outward, forming hook-like shapes to outline the Bulldog’s cheeks and the front part of its snout.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head – Step 3: Sketching curved lines for the cheeks and snout

Step 4: Outline the nose and nosetrills, and add its shape to the drawing.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 4, sketching the nose

Step 5: Starting from the edges of the curved lines from step 3, add the outline of the Bulldog’s snout.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 5, outlining the snout

Step 6: On both sides of these lines, draw additional upward curves to represent another layer or fold in this area. Extend these lines up to the curved horizontal guideline from Step 1.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 6, adding folds near the snout

Step 7: Draw two circles where the eyes were indicated in the base sketch. Fill them in with black, leaving small unshaded circles for highlights.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 7, sketching and shading the eyes

Step 8: Add outlines around the eyes to define their shape and bring more realism to the drawing. Refer to the example image for guidance.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 8, adding eye outlines

Step 9: Outline the side parts of the dog’s snout and add curved lines on both sides of the eyes to define the shape of the dog’s head.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 9, outlining the snout and head shape

Step 10: Continue outlining the dog’s head. Draw lines extending upward from the previous lines, slightly curved. Use the circle from Step 1 as a guide to add the rest of the head’s outline. Instead of a single continuous line, draw many short lines to represent the texture and folds of the skin. Refer to the example image for clarity.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 10, adding textured lines for the head outline

Step 11: Draw the outline of the ears.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 11, outlining the ears

Step 12: Draw the lower part of the head using several curved lines on both sides to show folds in this area. Add the chin, and lightly shade the area under the nose, along the curved lines, to indicate the Bulldog’s mouth.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 12, adding folds, chin, and shading the mouth

Step 13: This is the final step in the guide on how to draw a French Bulldog’s head from the front view. Add finishing details by drawing the neck as shown in the reference image. Add details to the ears, curved lines around and above the eyes, and above the nose. Lastly, include small dots to represent whisker marks.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 13, adding the neck, ear details, whisker marks, and finishing touches

Step 14: Here, you can see the completed drawing of the French Bulldog’s head. In this final step, erase the base sketch lines and refine any details that may need adjustment. Remove any smudges or unnecessary marks to achieve a clean and finished version of the drawing.

How to draw a French Bulldog’s head, step 14, cleaning up and finalizing the drawing

Guide 3: Draw a French Bulldog’s Head in Three-Quarter View

Альт - final step Welcome to the third guide, where we’ll draw the head of a French Bulldog from a three-quarter view. This perspective requires extra attention to detail and proportions, so carefully observe the reference images and try to replicate what is shown in each step. This guide consists of 13 steps and begins with a basic sketch. Be sure to use light pencil strokes, as these lines should be faint and will serve only as a guide for the proportions and placement of the Bulldog’s facial features.

Step 1: Draw a circle that will serve as the base for the French Bulldog’s head.

French Bulldog head sketch, drawing the base circle

Step 2: Use simple lines to outline the shape of the ears. Slightly above the center of the circle, draw a smaller circle to indicate the placement of the eye. Add basic outlines for the snout and nose of the French Bulldog.

French Bulldog head sketch, adding ear outlines, eye placement, and snout details

Step 3: Outline the top of the head and extend it forward to define the upper part of the snout and nose. Refer to the image for this step to replicate the curves and achieve the correct shape.

French Bulldog head sketch, outlining the top of the head and snout

Step 4: Draw the nose and nostrils of the French Bulldog as shown in the reference image.

Sketching the nose and nostrils of the French Bulldog

Step 5: From the lower center of the nose, draw two lines to form the cheeks, the sides of the snout, and the indication of the mouth.

Sketching the cheeks and mouth of the French Bulldog

Step 6: On the right side, below the midpoint of the base circle, outline the outer part of the snout, forming the side of the snout, chin, and the lower part of the face.

Outlining the side snout, chin, and lower face of the French Bulldog

Step 7: Draw the Bulldog’s eyes. Start with a slightly imperfect circle in the marked spot from the base sketch, filling it with black and leaving a small highlight at the top. On the right side, add the visible part of the second eye, as this is a three-quarter view. Leave a small unshaded area for the highlight.

Drawing the eyes of the French Bulldog, including the partially visible second eye

Step 8: Add volume and define the shapes around the eye, as well as the head’s curves, following the reference image for this step.

Defining the eye area, head contours, and curves of the French Bulldog

Step 9: Outline the lower left part of the head based on the base circle and add the outlines of the ears. Refer closely to the image for this step to replicate the curves and achieve the correct shape.

Outlining the lower head and ears of the French Bulldog

Step 10: Add details to the ears.

Adding ear details to the French Bulldog

Step 11: Add details to the head, including lines to show facial curves and folds. Add whisker marks as small dots on the cheeks, lines around the eyes to represent eyelids, and texture near the ears resembling short fur.

Adding folds, whisker marks, and texture to the French Bulldog’s head

Step 12: Add the neck and the visible upper part of the dog’s body. Follow the lines shown in the reference image to convey realistic folds and curves in this area.

Adding the neck and visible body with folds for the French Bulldog

Step 13: At this stage, we’ve completed the guide on how to draw the French Bulldog’s head in a three-quarter view. Carefully erase the base sketch created in the first two steps. Add any missing details, if necessary, or clean up any smudged areas to finalize your drawing. With this guide complete, the next two guides in this article will focus on drawing a full-body French Bulldog from the front and side views.

Finalizing the French Bulldog head drawing by cleaning up the sketch and adding details

Guide 4: French Bulldog Full-Body Drawing (Front View)

French Bulldog Full-Body Drawing in Front View

Step 1: Draw a circle as the base for the French Bulldog’s head. Below it, draw a slightly larger circle that partially overlaps the first one, representing the front part of the body.

French Bulldog drawing, step 1, sketching base circles for the head and body

Step 2: Draw the basic outlines of the head, facial features, and the placement of the dog’s legs. Refer to the image for this step to replicate the correct proportions and positioning.

French Bulldog drawing, step 2, outlining the head, face, and leg placement

Step 3: Draw the nose and nostrils of the French Bulldog.

French Bulldog drawing, step 3, sketching the nose and nostrils

Step 4: From the center of the lower part of the nose, draw two uneven lines curving outward like hooks, rounding at the ends. These will form the hanging cheeks, part of the Bulldog’s snout.

French Bulldog drawing, step 4, adding curved lines for the cheeks

Step 5: Draw the sides of the head outline up to the base of the ears, which begin near the center of the circle. Add the lower part of the head using slightly curved lines instead of one smooth line to show folds. Include the chin and outline the upper part of the snout.

French Bulldog drawing, step 5, outlining the head, chin, and upper snout with folds

Step 6: Draw the eyes in the spots marked in the base sketch. These should be two circles filled with black, leaving unshaded oval or round areas in the upper left for highlights.

French Bulldog drawing, step 6, adding eyes with highlights

Step 7: Add details around the eyes and additional folds near the snout.

French Bulldog drawing, step 7, detailing around the eyes and adding folds near the snout

Step 8: Outline the ears and the top of the head.

French Bulldog drawing, step 8, outlining the ears and top of the head

Step 9: Add details to the head by sketching slightly curved lines around the eyes near the nose. Add more dots on the cheeks for whisker marks. Shade the area below the nose, where the cheeks begin, to indicate the mouth. Include details for the inner parts of the ears.

French Bulldog drawing, step 9, adding head details, whisker marks, mouth shading, and inner ear details

Step 10: Based on the base sketch, draw the sides of the front part of the body extending downward from the head, and outline the two front legs.

French Bulldog drawing, step 10, outlining the front body and legs

Step 11: Draw a curved line between the front legs, based on the base circle, to outline the lower part of the body. Add a line on the left side of the drawing to indicate the side of the body and the start of the hind leg.

French Bulldog drawing, step 11, adding the lower body and the start of the hind leg

Step 12: Outline the hind legs.

French Bulldog drawing, step 12, outlining the hind legs

Step 13: Add small details to complete the main sketch. Draw two curved lines below the chin to show folds in the neck area. Add short curved lines on the body to indicate texture and folds. At the tips of the paws, add small black areas to represent the Bulldog’s claws.

French Bulldog drawing, step 13, adding neck folds, body texture, and claws

Step 14: Your full-body drawing of the French Bulldog is now complete! Carefully erase the base sketch, add any missing details, and review the drawing to correct anything that may be slightly off.

French Bulldog drawing, step 14, finalizing and refining the full-body sketch

Guide 5: French Bulldog Full-Body Drawing (Side View)

French Bulldog Full-Body Drawing - Step-by-Step Guide Congratulations! You’ve completed four out of five guides, and now it’s time to dive into the final lesson of this series. In this guide, we’ll explore how to draw a French Bulldog in full-body side view. However, it’s not a strict profile—it’s slightly turned to add perspective, making the drawing even more interesting and detailed. This guide consists of 18 step-by-step illustrations. As always, we’ll begin with a base sketch. So, get ready, and let’s create the fifth drawing of this charming dog breed!

Step 1: Draw a circle to serve as the base for the head. Slightly below and to the right, draw a noticeably larger circle to represent the front part of the body. To the right of this circle, at some distance, draw another circle similar in size to the head’s base. Connect these three circles with smooth lines, as shown in the image, to form the base for the head, neck, and body.

Sketching base circles for the head, neck, and body of the French Bulldog in side view

Step 2: Use simple lines to mark the placement of the visible eye, nose, snout, ears, and legs. The legs are divided into separate sections in this base sketch. Refer to the image to ensure correct positioning and proportions.

Marking the placement of facial features and legs in the French Bulldog side view sketch

Step 3: Draw the outline of the nose and add the visible nostril from this perspective.

Drawing the nose and visible nostril of the French Bulldog

Step 4: Add the outline of the snout extending upward and to the right from the nose. Draw another line from the lower center of the nose downward and curved to form the cheek and mouth of the dog.

Outlining the snout, cheek, and mouth of the French Bulldog

Step 5: From the top line of the snout, draw the forehead and the top of the French Bulldog’s head. Add the outline of the ear closest to us and the lower right part of the head / the jawline.

Drawing the forehead, ear, and lower right part of the head of the French Bulldog

Step 6: Add the outline of the second ear and extend the snout outline beyond the base circle.

Outlining the second ear and extending the snout of the French Bulldog

Step 7: Draw the eye of the French Bulldog at the marked spot from the base sketch. Create a circle filled with black, leaving a small unshaded area for a highlight.

Drawing the eye of the French Bulldog with a highlight

Step 8: Add an extra fold on the snout near the eye and outline the area around the eye to give it more depth.

Adding a fold on the snout and outlining the eye for depth

Step 9: Add finer details to the dog’s head, including bristle marks on the cheeks, lines above the eye to represent the eyelid, and refine the overall head shape. Add details to the ears as well.

Refining the head with bristle marks, eyelid lines, and ear details

Step 10: Draw the neck of the French Bulldog.

Sketching the neck of the French Bulldog

Step 11: Draw the side of the front part of the body, starting from the left side of the circle used for the front body in the base sketch. Add the upper section of the front leg closest to us.

Drawing the side of the body and upper section of the front leg

Step 12: Draw the back and the upper section of the hind leg closest to us. Pay attention to the folds and curved lines to replicate a more realistic shape. Refer to the attached image for accuracy.

French Bulldog Drawing, sketching the back and upper hind leg

Step 13: Complete the missing section of the hind leg that was left unfinished in the previous step. Add details to divide the paw into segments, such as toes or pads, as shown in the reference image.

French Bulldog Drawing, completing the hind leg and dividing the paw into segments

Step 14: Draw the lower part of the French Bulldog’s body using lines connecting the front and hind legs closest to us.

French Bulldog Drawing, sketching the lower body between the front and hind legs

Step 15: Now draw the lower part of the front leg that was sketched earlier when we began drawing the French Bulldog’s body.

Side view French Bulldog sketch, drawing the lower part of the front leg

Step 16: In this step, draw the two missing legs and a short tail. For the tail, sketch a small curve at the upper rear part of the body.

French Bulldog sketch, adding the missing legs and a short tail

Step 17: Before finishing this guide, add small details to the drawing, such as folds on the body, under the head, and around the neck area. Darken the tips of the dog’s toes to indicate its claws.

French Bulldog side view drawing, adding folds and claw details

Step 18: We’ve reached the end of the fifth guide and successfully learned how to draw a full-body French Bulldog from a side view. Carefully erase the base sketch created in the first two steps. As with the previous guides, add any missing details or clean up unnecessary lines or smudges. With this, we conclude our series of French Bulldog drawing guides.

Finalizing the French Bulldog side view drawing by erasing the base sketch and refining details

Bravo on Completing the Steps!

Now that you’ve completed this guide, why not relax with our exclusive coloring bundles? Discover the whimsical 20 Hand-Drawn Cat Adventures or the intricately detailed Big Dog Coloring Bundle—the first 50 copies are at a special lower price!

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Your support is invaluable in creating more guides like this one! If you enjoyed learning how to draw a French Bulldog, please consider donating to help me continue providing such tutorials.

I hope you found the guide that best matches your expectations. Now that we’ve drawn five French Bulldogs in different styles and perspectives, it’s time to wrap up this tutorial. If you’d like to see guides for other dog breeds, feel free to leave comments and let me know which popular breeds should be added next to this section. That’s all for now—happy drawing! And don’t forget to share your completed bulldog drawings in the comments section on Pinterest. It’s always great to see everyone’s unique interpretations of this adorable breed!

I hope you found the guide that best matches your expectations. Now that we’ve drawn five French Bulldogs in different styles and perspectives, it’s time to wrap up this tutorial. If you’d like to see guides for other dog breeds, feel free to leave comments and let me know which popular breeds should be added next to this section. That’s all for now—happy drawing!

Disclaimer: All original artworks and photos used as references for the creation of these drawing tutorials are the property of their respective owners. If your work has been featured without proper credit, please kindly leave a comment below, and the issue will be promptly addressed. We greatly appreciate your exceptional art. Thank you.

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