Home » Animals » Birds » Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing a Bald Eagle’s Head

Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing a Bald Eagle’s Head

Drawing a bald eagle’s head is a great art practice. It’s a powerful bird with a sharp look, and learning how to draw it can be fun and easy. This guide is the second version on my website, and it’s clearer and more up-to-date than the first one I posted when Sketchok first started.

Bald Eagle’s Key Features to Focus On

Before you start drawing, it’s important to know what makes a bald eagle’s head stand out. Here are some key features to pay attention to:

  • White Feathers: The bald eagle’s head is covered with white feathers.
  • Sharp Yellow Beak: Its hooked beak is yellow and very strong-looking.
  • Fierce Eyes: The eagle’s eyes are intense and often drawn looking serious.
  • Powerful Expression: The overall look should show power and confidence.

When you focus on these features, your bald eagle drawing will look impressive and accurate. Once you’re done with the eagle, why not try drawing other birds like a crow or a sparrow?

Bald Eagle’s Head Drawing Guide

This guide uses color codes to help make each step clear and easy to follow:

  • Red Color: The red lines show what you should draw in the current step.
  • Black Color: The black lines show what you’ve already drawn in previous steps.
  • Grey Color: The grey lines show the base sketch or guidelines to help you build the drawing.

Using these color codes, you can easily see which part of the drawing to work on, making the process smoother and easier to follow.

Step 1: Draw the Basic Sketch

Start by drawing an oval for the head base. Next, draw a curved horizontal line and a curved vertical line to show the center of the head. This will help in placing the features like the eyes and beak correctly.

Looking for More Creative Fun?

Before you start this drawing guide, why not explore our exclusive coloring bundles? Choose from the delightful 20 Hand-Drawn Cat Adventures or the intricately detailed Big Dog Coloring Bundle—the first 50 are at a special lower price before it goes up!

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Basic oval sketch of a bald eagle's head with curved guidelines for center alignment - step 01

Step 2: Add Basic Lines for the Beak, Eye, and Neck

Now, use simple lines to form the shape of the beak. Draw a small circle on the horizontal line to mark where the eye will be. After that, sketch the basic shape of the eagle’s neck, connecting it to the head oval. This completes the basic sketch. Basic lines for the beak, eye, and neck in the bald eagle drawing - step 02

Step 3: Add the Top Part of the Beak and Feathers

In this step, focus on shaping the top base part of the beak. Also, begin working on the top part of the head by drawing short lines to indicate feathers on the head, giving it a more realistic look. Adding the top part of the beak and feather details for the head in a bald eagle drawing - step 03

Step 4: Define the Shape of the Upper Beak

Now, add more detail to the upper part of the beak. Detailed shape of the upper beak in a bald eagle drawing - step 04

Step 5: Draw the Bottom Part of the Beak

It’s time to sketch the lower part of the beak. This completes the overall beak structure Lower beak outline added to the bald eagle's head drawing for a full beak shape - step 05

Step 6: Draw the Pupil and Nostrils

Next, focus on the eagle’s eye. Fill the pupil with black, leaving a small blank part to show a highlight. Then, add a nostril at the top of the beak. Black pupil with highlight and a nostril on the beak in the bald eagle drawing - step 06

Step 7: Draw the Outline of the Eye

Now, draw a circle around the pupil to create the eye outline. Eye outline drawn around the pupil in a bald eagle head drawing - step 07

Step 8: Add Feathers Around the Eye

Add short lines above and around the eye to indicate feathers. Feather lines around the eye area of the bald eagle drawing to add texture - step 08

Step 9: Detail the Sides of the Eye

Continue detailing and shading the eye area by adding more lines to the sides of the eye. Detailed lines around the eye of the bald eagle to complete the feather texture - step 09

Step 10: Add More Feather Lines

Now, add extra lines below and on the side of the eye and near the top base part of the beak. Feather lines added below the eye and near the beak in the bald eagle drawing - step 10

Step 11: Draw the Neck Outline with Feathers

Sketch the outline of the neck, adding short lines and feather shapes. Feathered neck outline in a bald eagle drawing showing texture and detail - step 11

Step 12: Add the Body and More Feather Texture

Now, sketch the visible parts of the eagle’s top body. Add additional feather shapes and lines to the head and neck to create texture, making your bald eagle drawing look more realistic. Visible body parts and feather details added to the head and neck of the bald eagle - step 12

Step 13: Final Touches, Erase Basic Sketch, and Optional Inking

Take a moment to observe your drawing and fix any parts that need adjustment. Once satisfied, erase the basic sketch and marks. If you prefer, you can ink your drawing at this stage. Let the ink dry and then erase any remaining pencil marks. Final touch-ups, sketch marks erased, and optional inking for the bald eagle drawing - step 13

Step 14: Color Reference

Use this image as a color reference to finish your drawing. Notice the shades of white and gray feathers on the head, the yellow beak, and the dark brown body. These colors are key to bringing your bald eagle drawing to life. Color reference image for the bald eagle drawing, showing white head, yellow beak, and brown body - final step

Bravo on Completing the Steps!

Now that you’ve completed this guide, why not relax with our exclusive coloring bundles? Discover the whimsical 20 Hand-Drawn Cat Adventures or the intricately detailed Big Dog Coloring Bundle—the first 50 copies are at a special lower price!

Visit our shop and keep the creativity flowing. You’ve earned it!

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Disclaimer: All original artworks and photos used as references for the creation of these drawing tutorials are the property of their respective owners. If your work has been featured without proper credit, please kindly leave a comment below, and the issue will be promptly addressed. We greatly appreciate your exceptional art. Thank you.

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