Step-by-step drawing guide of Corrupted Ben 10
- From: Friday Night Funkin’: Glitched Legends;
- Steps: 27

Disclaimer: All original artworks and photos used as references for the creation of these drawing tutorials are the property of their respective owners. If your work has been featured without proper credit, please kindly leave a comment below, and the issue will be promptly addressed. We greatly appreciate your exceptional art. Thank you.
Could u do wildvine classic and wildvine omniverse, atomix, gutrot, clockwork omniverse, benwolf, zs’skayr classic and ultimate alien, mad ben aliens, kevin reboot aliens, mutated aggregor and mutated kevin ultimate alien
And toepick, brainstorm omniverse, alien fusions(biomnitrix), ultimate alien diamondhead, omnikix aliens, omni enhanced aliens
And blitzwolfer from original series and omniverse, snare-oh from original series, benviktor
If you could do that just reply me
I’ll try to make all of them as soon as I get back home in mid-November. I have already answered one of your comments, perhaps you have not noticed
Oh right, btw thanks for this dude
Ok bro, thanks