Home » Anime » One-Punch Man » How to Draw Speed-o’-Sound Sonic: A One-Punch Man Art Tutorial

How to Draw Speed-o’-Sound Sonic: A One-Punch Man Art Tutorial

Hello everyone! Today, I’m excited to walk you through drawing Speed-o’-Sound Sonic, one of the characters from One-Punch Man. Grab your sketchbook, and let’s bring this ninja to life!

Sonic’s Appearance Breakdown

  • Hair: Sonic’s hair is long and black, usually tied up in a topknot, with bangs that sweep across his forehead.
  • Eyes: He has large gray eyes.
  • Outfit: His outfit consists of a tight black latex bodysuit with metal plating on his shins, arms, shoulders, chest, and waist.
  • Scarf: A long purple scarf drapes down to his legs

After you finish drawing Sonic, why not try sketching other characters from One Punch Man like Garou, Saitama, Watchdog Man or Genos? Their unique designs will provide you with more opportunities to practice and refine your drawing skills.

Guide to Using Colors

Here’s how the color coding works in our drawing steps:

  • Red: This color will show you what to draw in the current step.
  • Black: Black shows the lines from previous steps.
  • Gray: Gray lines are for sketching guidelines or less important elements that might be partially erased later.

Step 01

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 01

Step 02

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 02

Step 03

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 03

Step 04

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 04

Step 05

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 05

Step 06

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 06

Step 07

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 07

Step 08

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 08

Step 09

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 09

Step 10

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 10

Step 11

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 11

Step 12

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 12

Step 13

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 13

Step 14

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 14

Step 15

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 15

Step 16

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 16

Step 17

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 17

Step 18

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 18

Step 19

How to draw Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body from One Punch Man - step 19

Step 20

Speed-o'-Sound Sonic full body drawing - One Punch Man - final step

I love seeing your artwork and hearing about your learning journey! Share your completed Sonic drawings and any other characters you’ve tackled on our social media. I’m happy each time I see new drawings you guys share in the comments to the pins on SketchOk’s Pinterest.

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Thanks for drawing with me, and happy sketching!

Disclaimer: All original artworks and photos used as references for the creation of these drawing tutorials are the property of their respective owners. If your work has been featured without proper credit, please kindly leave a comment below, and the issue will be promptly addressed. We greatly appreciate your exceptional art. Thank you.

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