Char Aznable, famously known as “The Red Comet,” is one of the most iconic characters in the Gundam series. In this guide, I’ll show you how to draw Char Aznable in his bold red pilot suit, including key features like his sleek glasses and confident stance.
Understanding Char Aznable’s Appearance
- Hair: Blonde, medium-length, slightly wavy, framing his face.
- Facial Features: Defined jawline, and black-tinted glasses.
- Pilot Suit: A red suit with vertical lines and structured padding on the shoulders and arms. Includes matching gloves and a black belt.
After completing Char Aznable’s sketch, you might enjoy drawing other characters from Mobile Suit Gundam, such as Amuro Ray, to complement your artwork.
About This Drawing Guide
This guide uses a color-coded system to simplify the process:
- Red Color: Represents the current step you’re working on.
- Black Color: Indicates lines that have already been completed in previous steps.
- Grey Color: Shows the basic sketch structure for proportions and positioning.
These visual cues help you focus on each step while keeping track of your progress in the drawing.
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