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How to draw Tambry from Gravity Falls

Hey there, fellow artists! Are you ready to dive into the world of Gravity Falls and draw one of its coolest characters? Then you’re in luck because today we’re going to teach you how to draw Tambry, the emo girl who’s always glued to her phone. With her edgy style and unique personality, Tambry is a fan favorite and we can’t wait to show you how to capture her essence on paper. So grab your pencil and let’s get started!

About the Character:

Tambry is known for her emo/scene style, with short purple hair and a pink highlight in front of her left ear. Her light brown skin completes the look. She wears a purple and white shirt with a purple skirt, light purple leggings, and decorated black boots. And of course, she’s always carrying around her trusty phone, which takes up most of her time.

Drawing Guide with Tips:

  1. Start with the basic shape: Begin by drawing a rough sketch of Tambry’s body, using basic shapes. This will help you get the proportions right before you start adding details.
  2. Focus on her hair: Tambry’s hair is the most distinctive part of her look, so take your time to get it right. Use short, choppy strokes to create the texture of her hair, and don’t forget the pink highlight!
  3. Add her clothing and accessories: Once you’ve got the body and hair down, it’s time to add in the clothes and accessories. Pay attention to the details of her outfit, like the decorations on her boots.
  4. Bring out her personality: Finally, it’s time to bring Tambry to life on the page. Use shading and line work to capture her unique personality and attitude. And don’t forget to give her phone some attention too!
Step 01

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 01Pin

Step 02

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 02Pin

Step 03

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 03Pin

Step 04

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 04Pin

Step 05

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 05Pin

Step 06

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 06Pin

Step 07

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 07Pin

Step 08

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 08Pin

Step 09

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 09Pin

Step 10

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 10Pin

Step 11

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 11Pin

Step 12

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 12Pin

Step 13

How to draw Tambry - Wendy's friend - step 13Pin

Step 14

How to draw Tambry from Gravity FallsPin

Other Characters to Draw:

If you’re looking to expand your Gravity Falls drawing skills, there are plenty of interesting characters to try your hand at. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Dipper Pines: The twin brother of Mabel, Dipper is the more serious and studious of the two. He wears a blue and white hat with a pine tree on it and a vest with a red shirt underneath.
  2. Wendy Corduroy: A teenage employee of the Mystery Shack, Wendy has a laid-back, cool-girl style. She wears a red flannel shirt over a white tank top, blue jeans, and brown work boots.
  3. Bill Cipher: One of the main villains of the series, Bill is a triangular demon with a top hat and a bowtie. His appearance is both sinister and whimsical, making him a fun challenge to draw.

Drawing Tambry may seem like a daunting task, but with these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to capture her emo/scene style in no time. Remember to take your time, practice, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. And don’t forget to have fun with it!

Keep exploring your creativity by trying your hand at other Gravity Falls characters, and who knows? You may just discover a hidden talent for art. And if you found this guide helpful, consider supporting me by buying me a coffee. It would mean the world to me and would help me create more content like this for you in the future. Thanks for reading, and happy drawing!

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